Taming Emotions in the Family |
Further Reading Suggestions
Here are some more materials for you to read that will help you deal with anger in your family. Solutions help parents as well as children. When families have a plan for anger the result is closer relationships, but when anger is mismanaged then distance develops. |
Good and Angry: Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids
Description: Parents often feel angry when their children do the wrong things. But responding to children in anger rarely brings about the desired result and can even have a damaging effect instead. Anger doesn’t have to be the enemy. It can be a flag that makes you an even better parent. Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller show you how to use your frustration to identify problems and then move into one of the seven routines to build character in your children. |
10 Traits of a Successful Family: Chapter 5 - A Plan for Emotions
Description: One of the traits of a successful family is the ability to handle emotions wisely. This chapter doesn't just focus on individuals, but looks at the family unit, how all members are connected emotionally, and gives four commitments every family should have to be strong in this area. |