Sample Email for Parents (cut and paste)
Dear xxxxx,
We have entered into a partnership with Biblical Parenting
University to receive parent training classes at 75%
off the normal $99.95 rate. You actually have access
to four core classes at this discounted rate.
The first class you'll want to take is BPU 101 Developing
Responsibility and Cooperation in Children. In this
class you'll learn how to use a heart-based approach
to teach children cooperation through a five-step instruction
routine. Responsibility training is taught through schoolwork,
bedroom clean up, chores, money, and handling conflict
in a mature way. You'll also learn practical ways to
help your children develop convictions to do what's
Biblical Parenting University is a division of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. You can watch introductory videos about how things work right on the home page.
Here's how you can access the classes:
STEP #1: Go to and click on the link "Create an Account"
STEP #2: Click on Class Descriptions to register for any of the four core classes. Click on learn more to find out what's in the classes. Be sure to click on the other links to learn more about Biblical Parenting University.
After your registration is approved you'll be sent
an email and you'll be able to login to your account
and access your class. Use our Site ID code at check
out as a coupon code to receive 75% off the regular
tuition rate of $99.95. So you only pay $25 per class.
Our Site ID code is: (put your Site ID code here.)
Please don't share this Site ID code. Please don't post it on facebook or other sites where it would be accessed by others. It represents a site license for our church or school.
Teachers in our church (or school) are taking free
classroom management classes that complement what you're
learning in the parent classes.
This partnership is part of our commitment to ongoing training of parents and teachers.
Your Name